Mount Eden

Mount Eden, southwest of the CBD, is home to Auckland's highest natural point, Mt Eden which, at 196m above sea level, 自然提供了一些最好的360度的城市景观.  这里是逃离城市生活的好去处, 坐在50米宽的火山口里野餐, as cattle graze around you. 

If you've got time, 试着加入伊甸山遗产之旅, 其中包括这座火山的迷人历史(被称为茂嘎沃, in Maori), 还有一次有趣的旅行,穿越该地区不断变化的地理和建筑景观.

屡获殊荣的伊甸花园位于山的一边,也非常值得一游.  With 5.5英亩的甘美植物,鲜花和树木,这是一个真正的和平与安宁的绿洲.

The suburb itself is very leafy, 这里有大量20世纪早期的建筑, all standing in large, well-kept grounds, 让人想起这个郊区早年的富裕.  In the 1950s and 1960s, 伊甸山在放荡不羁的奥克兰人中非常受欢迎, 寻找一个地方来释放他们的创造力,释放他们内心的艺术家.

Today, Mt Eden remains a very 'arty' place, with plenty of small art galleries, craft shops, 还有大量的画家, teachers, writers and musicians.

Check out the Powerstation, 奥克兰最著名的现场表演场所之一, 这里曾接待过一些音乐界的大腕, from Elbow, Paul Weller and Beastie Boys, to Debbie Harry, Nick Cave and Radiohead.

沿着伊甸山路漫步(领地以南), and dip into the delicious delis, speciality food shops, and many coffee shops, bars and restaurants that line the street.

你也会发现很多精品店, 从极具创意的花店和礼品店, 独特的珠宝商和创意时尚.  另外,你还可以去六家左右的冰淇淋店,因为奥克兰一些最好的冰淇淋就产自伊甸山.